Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (530) 388-8707

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    Behavioral Health Resources

    If You are in Crisis:

    Certain situations require immediate attention. If you are having suicidal feelings, or having difficulty controlling the urge to hurt yourself, or anyone else, you need to deal with this NOW. If you are feeling unable to handle the situation right now, call an emergency line right away. See these numbers:

    For Life-Threatening Situations: 911

    Children & Youth

    Teen Resources

    Domestic Violence

    • Nevada County Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Coalition: DVSAC
      Phone: 530/272-2046
      24-Hour Crisis Line: 530/272-3467
    • National Domestic Violence Hotline:
      (800) 799-SAFE (7233)
      Advocates are available 24/7
      Over 200 languages spoken
      Great resources; lot of information


    Mental Health

    Nevada County Community Resources

    • 2-1-1 Nevada County: Searchable database for mental health, medical care, food, housing, veterans services, housing, LGBT, etc.
      833-DIAL211 (833/342-5211)
      Open 24/7, Free & Confidential
    • Community Beyond Violence, Nevada County: (530) 272-3467

    State and National Resources

    These agencies will connect you with someone who can evaluate your situation now and ensure that you are safe.

    Other Types of Crisis:

    Animal Welfare


    Sexual Assault

    Substance Abuse

    Suicide Prevention